is grey water?
Officially grey water is domestic
waste water from baths, showers, basins,
laundries and kitchens, but not water
from toilets. Grey water generated
from the kitchen, swimming pools and
spa pools should not be reused for
Within Queensland, grey water may
be applied to the garden by manual
bucketing, connecting a flexible hose
to a washing machine outlet; or via
a council approved grey water diversion
device or treatment plant installed
by a licensed plumber. Installation
and maintenance of professionally
installed grey water diversion devices
is currently rebated in South East
A horticulturist or local nursery
should be consulted regarding plants
that may be damaged by nutrient and
salt found in grey water. Signs of
plant stress include wilting, leaf
rolling and leaf death. Plants under
stress are also susceptible to greater
damage from other stresses such as
high or low temperatures and foot
traffic. If any stress symptoms are
observed you should only use the highest
quality grey water.